Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11

Hey ya'll!
How you feeling today? Maybe you lost a friend or family member in the September eleventh tragedy. well, let me tell you I was very close. I remember that day distinctly, although I was only three. I know, it seems strange, but when your whole world has gone into panic, you remember a thing or two. My dad was on a plane trip that day. I remember seeing my mom crying, and my friends telling me my dad might have died. My mom still has the newspaper of that day. The two buildings smoking.....Just think. I was listening to a girl speak about abortion. She said abortion is a tragedy ten times bigger than any September eleventh. And she's right. Abortion is taking the lives of thousands of children. So why aren't we phased? I don't know. But always remember, God was in control then, He's in control now, and He always will be. Praise God. He is holy and mighty and just think what our world would be like without him. Without void.
Ciao. September eleventh is a day to remember, not regret.

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